Whenever a rented apartment is converted into a condominium and sold to a third party for the first time, tenants…
By Julian Urban Rechtsanwalt Beiträge Immobilienrecht Mietrecht News Wohnungseigentumsrecht
The real estate market is subject to fluctuations and the search for an apartment takes time, so it can make…
By Julian Urban Rechtsanwalt Beiträge Immobilienrecht Mietrecht News Wohnungseigentumsrecht
The concept of a defect in tenancy law and the reduction of rent In the area of tenancy law warranty…
By JUR URBAN Beiträge contributions Immobilienrecht Mietrecht Wohnungseigentumsrecht
The nationwide ban on conversion to apartment ownership is supposed to further relieve the real estate market. Berlin’s housing market…